Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today I locked myself in the bathroom, climbed out the window, broke a key in the door , called my husband, we fixed the door by him crawling back in through the window and me doing a CSI type shoulder slam to the door, getting it open.  Then he rehung and went back to work.  I walk in the bathroom 10 minutes later to find Alice drinking out of the toilet with a spoon.
Huh.  All before 10:30 am.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

daily scene 1/15/11

Yeah, I'm wishing for warm weather.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Afternoon

How is it that my life is always torn between joy and struggle? Or that I'm often laughing while tasting the tears that streak my face? Oh wait. That is life. I'll take it over complacency.

I wrote that as my status on Fb the other day.  You know, it's so true... this day I wanted to put my face down and just cry but I've got three little babies looking at me all day so I have to keep going, all that plaster dust from the weekends activities... and I'm cleaning and playing the same sweet song over and over... trying to not feel the despair of of not enough money, not enough energy and pasta again for dinner...then I look over and on the chair is little Alice Rose, looking for all the world like a Lost Boy, grubby and disheveled, swaying and singing, the sunlite falling full on her funny upturned face and I swing her up into my arms and dance and dance around in the kitchen in the burst of unexpected winter sun.
And the two boys come running in, grab my legs and we sway and we sing and they don't care it I'm out of tune and that the floor is dirty and that it is pasta again.  They are filling up my house with love.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mooooooom! What's for dinner?

Hell, if I know, Kid.
Heres an apple, now leave me alone.
I'm writing.

daily scene 1/8/11